For Games

Bridge your in-game assets into the real world

The Flex-to-Earn module can help games offer more innovative and engaging experiences to their gamers by extending the game beyond the digital realm.

How It Works

  • We help gaming projects design, produce, and distribute NFC-embedded and customized merchandise compatible with the Flex-to-Earn reward module;

  • These physical items are linked 1:1 to in-game assets;

  • Game projects can design gaming mechanics that combine online and offline actions: for example, gamers need to check in to certain geolocation to unlock ability upgrade or level access; or vice versa, gamers need to achieve certain in-game objectives to gain access to certain IRL events with the linked physical item.


  • Generate extra revenue by combining the digital and physical offerings

  • Provide gamers with innovative and unique gaming experience

  • Better gamer community engagement and retention

Last updated